Biden provided the shells, Republicans autograph them. All this while Nikki statement on twitter echoes Hitler’s “big lie” theory. If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. This is repugnant from a former UN diplomat and presidential candidate, reflecting poorly on South Carolinians.

Nikki Haley ‘Finish Them’ – Echoes of Fascism

Nikki Haley, former candidate for POTUS, former UN Ambassador, and South Carolina Governor, tweeted a statement that demands reflection. Her position and influence make her words chilling. Life’s twists and turns never cease to surprise, even when we think we’ve seen it all.

Objective Perspective and Shocking Changes

I’ve always tried to be objective, to put myself in others’ shoes even if I disagree with their ideas. This approach has usually been effective, fostering understanding and learning. But about four years ago, reason seemed to vanish. A disturbing pattern emerged, transforming people into mindless robots spouting echo chamber talking points on a range of societal issues—politics, race, gender, education, and more. It was as if a switch had been flipped.

The Unchanging Truth and Jaded Perspective

I reassessed myself, wondering if my perspective had become jaded. Yet, the truth remains unchanged. NATO, led by the US State Department under Victoria Nuland, antagonized Russia over years, culminating in the Ukraine coup. Despite Russia’s efforts for peace, they were vilified, as if the Cold War had returned. Similarly, the untested gene therapy for COVID was falsely labeled a vaccine, with dissenting scientists gaslit and the definition of “vaccine” altered. People, normally skeptical of Big Pharma, blindly followed, ostracizing skeptical friends and family.

Intensifying Events and Fragmented Society

Over a decade, events intensified, fragmenting society. People, lulled by routines and curated media, are unaware of their imprisonment, explaining the societal divisions in the US and UK. I questioned my sanity until October 7, a pivotal moment revealing the manipulation of narratives, public opinions, and policies. The powers behind the scenes now lay bare.

Exposing the Truth Amid Lies

Despite attempts to conceal it, the truth remains visible. This year, many events, including ongoing genocides, exposed the truth. Arrest warrants have been issued, yet audacious lies persist. Nikki Haley, during an ongoing genocide, wrote “..Finish Them” on the shells that the IDF is about to fire into Rafah in defiance of the International Court of Justice.

Biden provided the shells, Republicans autograph them.

All this while Nikki statement on twitter echoes Hitler’s “big lie” theory.

If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.

This is repugnant from a former UN diplomat and presidential candidate, reflecting poorly on South Carolinians.

The Cultish Movement and Historical Parallels

Haley’s sentiments are shared by other House Representatives, bought by a cultish power infiltrating US politics, education, media, and finance, spreading to Europe. The chilling observation is how society has been duped by this cultish movement, mimicking pre-World War II events.

Remember, World War II atrocities were orchestrated not by simpletons, but by the educated class—those who designed, experimented, and engineered for their cause. I am not afraid of Trump’s crowd; I fear the left and right ideologies shaped by worldviews like Nikki Haley’s.

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