Feeling neglected? Let Mia Magik help you escape and unleash your power! For $4000, embrace your inner diva and reclaim your entitlement. "I am entitled!"

Mia Magik : The Karen Retreat!

Are you feeling neglected? Overexposed by those pesky phones capturing your every move? Is the patriarchy failing to provide you with the life of the Joneses? Fear not! Mia Magik, the divine woman, is here to rescue you.

For a nominal fee, you can make the great escape and unleash your inner Karen. With the total package for just $4000, you’ll receive a big stick to help you tap into your hidden power. Remember the mantra, ladies: “I am entitled, I am entitled, I am entitled!”

Embrace your inner diva and reclaim your power with Mia Magik!

Whoa! White Pow.. correction women power!

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